


We guarantee the impartiality of our wealth consultancy services. This is why we do not ourselves take on any mandates to manage individual portfolio components, preferring instead to support you in your dealings with your appointed experts.

This applies to your investments, as well as to real estate, equity holdings, insurance, art and other assets. In the time-honoured tradition of independent advice, we operate exclusively on a fee basis.

Teamwork is the cornerstone of a successful comprehensive wealth management. Customised solutions require customised services – and this is why we have established a global network of experts, located both at Dahlia Gestion SA and elsewhere. One of the advantages of being an independent  International, is that we are able to draw on global connections – for your benefit.

It is necessary to work closely with private banks and asset managers in order to guarantee a process of continuous assessment of your wealth.

We work with your bankers, asset managers, lawyers, tax consultants and accountants to lay the groundwork for transfers of wealth during your lifetime or in the event of death, while maintaining a balanced portfolio.

At Dahlia Gestion SA, we help to maintain overall control of your assets, which involves consulting not just with yourself but with all your advisors. Of course, your investment philosophy remains the determining factor in everything we do.

Dahlia Gestion SA

50 Avenue John F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg

N° Registre du commerce : B124201

Vat number N° TVA international : LU2189338
