Family Office Services

many years’ experience as

a multi-client family office

With our many years’ experience as a multi-client family office, we support our clients in the comprehensive planning and implementation of a family portfolio. We work with our clients to define family values and develop structures and processes transparently and efficiently.

In order to ensure high-quality consultancy services, we combine the competencies of our internal asset management, tax advisory and succession planning, and are also able to draw on an external network of experts from all areas of law and finance when necessary.

Your wealth must be preserved and put to intelligent use for generations to come. As your strategic wealth consultants, it is our pleasure to support you in this task and we do this by:

  • Familiarising ourselves thoroughly with your family situation
  • Maintaining constructive dialogue, to obtain a clear picture of your needs and ideas
  • Analysing the current situation (financial, tax, legal and inheritance aspects)
  • Determining wealth status and risk structure
    Strategic wealth protection planning
  • Risk and insurance planning
  • Defining investment policy
  • Developing customised asset allocation
  • Supporting in the selection of asset managers, banks and trustees
  • Implementing investment policy
  • Obtaining and coordinating information held by bank and asset managers
  • Monitoring portfolio performance
  • Controlling mandate duties of institutions entrusted with asset management
  • Negotiating conditions with asset managers and banks, depositories and investment funds
  • Reporting regularly to deliver transparency
  • Providing support in change of residence and/or company locations to Switzerland, including obtaining official residence permits
  • Searching for ideal real estate in cooperation with trusted real estate brokers in Switzerland and abroad
  • Supporting in the search for suitable educational establishments for your children

Dahlia Gestion SA

50 Avenue John F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg

N° Registre du commerce : B124201

Vat number N° TVA international : LU2189338
